Website Security: Reducing Scammers

SLGD got a notice that a client’s website bandwidth had exceeded to over 13GB of bandwidth. Hosted bandwidth is when people visit your website, they download your website to their computer into what’s called cache. This is a normal computing process. Say if a visitor visits your website and goes to every page on your website and your website is 100 MBs you multiply that by how many visitors you get in a month and that gives you your total bandwidth for the month.

This time I have a suspicion that it was not all visitors visiting the website. Any website can be visited by scammers and phishers for information like your contact information, your staff names and other business information and this process are called data mining and your information can be sold.

If your website is developed in WordPress you can block out countries to eliminate false website analytics counts, scammers, phishers and malicious attacks on your website. Blocking countries does not eliminate all of this activity but can reduce the number of unwanted visitors to your website. SLGD monitors client’s websites with host monitoring services, WordPress monitoring plugins, and third party services.

SLGD specializes in domain name registrations, hosting services and website development and maintenance. Need our services? Contact SLGD today.