Marketing of a copier/printer salesman

Hello Copier/Printer Salesman,
Alright here we go.
Remember, I’m in marketing, so I’m going to be objective.
I’m sure you know more about how to sell your product than I.
But here’s my input.

1) Your print materials need to be in color or a first generation copy of the flier on the copier that the information is for.
2) On the flier, highlight the features you think are important to the buyer. Give your personal opinion. Besides they are looking to you for direction…this will gain their trust.
3) Your target marketing can be businesses that are moving. It could be an easier sell because businesses that are moving have a budget to spend on the move up and out to improve the environment that they are in.
4) Qualify your prospect. Ask a loaded question. Loaded questions help jump start you to your next statement which is the punch line that puts you on the map with something that is familiar or a commonality with the buyer.
5) Your contact information needs to be on the flier…perhaps staple your business card to the flier. Or better yet…another page with your contact information, your personal photo (people remember faces more so than names) and organizations that you belong to.
6) I noticed that your tie was undone after the meeting…don’t dress down after a meeting…always stay on the top of your game when in public.
7) And I wouldn’t tell people you’re new at selling copiers/printers. Always be positive.
8) FYI: Please check your grammar, spelling of words and punctuation in ALL emails. Even emails to your mother.
I read over each email 2-3 times to make sure I’ve spelled everything right. And with today’s technology every word should be spelled correctly…you have technology that does it for you.
9) Also you need to have your contact information on each email…it’s a setting in your email program under Signatures.
Look at my signature as an example.
Sincerely yours,
Samuel Little, President

Samuel Little Graphic Design
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As for my company, Samuel Little Graphic Design, I share a copier/printer and I’m not the decision maker of buying or replacing the copier/printer that we have. BUT we will be (growing) moving and perhaps comparing what we are using now and what we could be using could help us both. I would need to know more about the product and why the need to expand.

Thanks for the opportunity.

If you need marketing expertise contact Samuel Little Graphic Design at